Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008 is important to Fax and Document Solutions

Fax or facsimile is telecommunications technology that used to transfer copies of documents using affordable devices operating over the telephone network, and fax is an important telecommunication devide for home or business nowadays. Obviously we can see many companies have at least one fax in their offices. There are a lot of fax service provider, example is

They gives and offers you the best solutions for a fast, reliable fax server , VoIP Fax , Fax broadcast , and Fax Blast for your company and your business solution. offers fax and document solutions including FaxAgent next generation fax server and XDOC document management solutions. By using the FaxAgent, it allows existing office equipment to interface and integrated into its innovative connectivity because it is a Fax Over IP which gives us flexibility compared to traditional standalone fax machines, that rely on phone line.

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